Return Policy

Return & Refund Eligibility

We want you to love what you've ordered on Cosy Island. But just in case you are not 100% satisfied, we have offered an easy return policy.
  • You may refund or exchange your item(s) within 180 days of delivery.
  • Please make sure the product is unworn, undamaged, unused, with all tags attached and have original receipt and packaging.
  • Returns are free if the product you received is wrong or defective, otherwise shipping charges will be borne by you.
  • If there is a minor and acceptable issue and you are willing to keep the product, a partial refund is negotiable.
  • Refunds will be made to your original method of payment.
    • Please make sure to contact our Customer Service Team first before you return the items. Any returned items without previous contact will not be accepted, as the address marked on the parcel is not our return address. Contact Email:
    • If there are any quality issues, please provide related images of said item(s) accordingly. You will then receive a confirmation email including return instructions and return address from our Customer Service Team. It will take 2 business days for us to confirm your refund.
    • After receiving return instructions, please package up the item(s) to be returned with the original packaging and provide the related delivery number to our Customer Service Team once you shipped out the parcel.
    • For purchases with a coupon, we have the right not to refund the coupon you have used if the promotion ends.
      For more information, please contact our Customer Service Team via email at We will try our best to solve your problems.